Tuesday 24 November 2020

16 Tense Passive Voice

 Nama: Livya Julianty

Kelas: 3EB03

NPM: 23218815

Passive Voice

Livya selalu mengkombinasikan teknik pemasaran dengan penerapannya


1. Simple Present Tense

Marketing techniques are always combined by Livya with their applications

2. Present Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques are always being combined by Livya with their applications

3. Present Perfect Tense

Marketing techniques have always been combined by Livya with their applications

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques have always been being combined by Livya with their applications

5. Simple Past Tense

Marketing techniques were always combined by Livya with their applications

6. Past Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques were always being combined by Livya with their applications

7. Past Perfect Tense

Marketing techniques had always been combined by Livya with their applications

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques had always been being combined by Livya with their applications

9. Simple Future Tense

Marketing techniques will always be combined by Livya with their applications

10. Future Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques will always be being combined by Livya with their applications

11. Future Perfect Tense

Marketing techniques will have always been combined by Livya with their applications

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques will have always been being combined by Livya with their applications

13. Simple Past Future Tense

Marketing techniques would always be combined by Livya with their applications

14. Past Future Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques would always be being combined by Livya with their applications

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

Marketing techniques would have always been combined by Livya with their applications

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Marketing techniques would have always been being combined by Livya with their applications

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis: 16 English Sentence

 Livya selalu mengkombinasikan teknik pemasaran dengan penerapannya

1. Simple Present Tense

Livya always combines marketing techniques with their applications

2. Present Continuous Tense

Livya is always combining marketing techniques with their applications

3. Present Perfect Tense

Livya has always combined marketing techniques with their applications

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Livya has always been combining marketing techniques with their applications

5. Simple Past Tense

Livya always combined marketing techniques with their applications

6. Past Continuous Tense

Livya was always combining marketing techniques with their applications

7. Past Present Tense

Livya had always combined marketing techniques with their applications

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Livya had always been combining marketing techniques with their applications

9. Simple Future Tense

Livya will always combine marketing techniques with their applications

10. Future Continuous Tense

Livya will always be combine marketing techniques with their applications

11. Future Perfect Tense

Livya will have always combine marketing techniques with their applications

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Livya will have always been combining marketing techniques with their applications

13. Simple Past Future Tense

Livya would always combining marketing techniques with their applications

14. Past Future Continuous Tense

Livya would always be combining marketing techniques with their applications

15. Past Future Perfect Tense

Livya would have always combined marketing techniques with their applications

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Livya would have always been combining marketing techniques with their applications

Saturday 4 April 2020

Statistika 2: Uji Hipotesa pada Sampel Besar

Nama: Livya Julianty
NPM: 23218815
Kelas: 2EB03
1. Suatu provider dianggap tidak berkualitas jika kecepatan dalam mengakses gambar dengan ukuran
tertentu membutuhkan waktu lebih dari 200 detik. Guna menjaga loyalitas konsumennya, ZIP
Net bermaksud menambahkan perangkat lunak pengolah gambar jika kecepatan akses mereka
dianggap lambat. Sebelumnya perusahaan ini mengamati kecepatan rata-rata seseorang dalam
mengakses gambar. ZIP-Net mencatat rata-rata waktu 64 pelanggan mengakses website
bergambar secara lengkap 210 detik, dengan simpangan baku 30 detik. Apakah ZIP-net perlu
menambahkan perangkat lunak pengolah gambar? tingkat signifikan 92%.
2. Stok beras di pulau Jawa dikatakan aman, jika tersedia minimal 32.500 ton. Dalam rangka
pemenuhan kebutuhan pangan, terutama beras, pemerintah melakukan penelitian pasokan beras
ditiap kabupaten. Dari hasil pengamatan di 36 kabupaten di pulau Jawa, diketahui rata-rata
pasokan beras 30.000 ton dengan simpangan baku 5000 ton. BULOG menyatakan bahwa stok
pangan, terutama beras di pulau Jawa mencukupi, ujilah apakah pernyataan BULOG tersebut
benar pada tingkat signifikan 99%

Saturday 28 March 2020

Statistika 2: Latihan Soal 2

Nama: Livya Julianty
NPM: 23218815
Kelas: 2EB03

1. Mata kuliah Statistika 2 diikuti oleh mahasiswa jenjang D3 dan mahasiswa jenjang S1. Dari 40 mahasiswa D3 diketahui nilai rata-rata UTS 70 dengan simpangan baku 8, sedangkan dari 36 mahasiwa S1 diketahui nilai rata-rata UTS 72 dengan simpangan baku 5. Apakah ada beda nilai Statistika 2 pada mahasisiwa jenjang D3 dan S1? Tingkat signifikan 92%.


2. Sebuah perusahaan mainan memproduksi mobil-mobilan dengan remote control yang menggunakan dua baterai. Dari 25 baterai diketahui rata-rata umur baterai yang digunakan di produk ini adalah 35 jam. Distribusi umur baterai mendekati distribusi probabilitas normal dengan standar deviasi 5,5 jam. Dugalah rata-rata umur baterai pada tingkat signifikan 90%

Saturday 21 March 2020

Statistika 2: Latihan Soal

Nama: Livya Julianty
NPM: 23218815
Kelas: 2EB03

1. Berdasarkan data dari 5 buah warnet di Margonda, diketahui waktu rata-rata 64 pengguna
internet melakukan penjelajahan (browsing) 420 menit setiap minggu dengan simpangan
baku 22.5 menit. Pengusaha warnet ingin menanbah jumlah PC yang mereka sediakan,
sebelumnya mereka perlu informasi tentang rata-rata waktu yang digunakan seseorang
untuk browsing. Prediksilah rata-rata waktu yang digunakan seseorang setiap minggu
untuk browsing. Tingkat signifikan 98%.


2. ZIP-Net suatu Internet Provider mencatat rata-rata waktu 36 pelanggan mengakses website
bergambar secara lengkap 210 detik, dengan simpangan baku 30 detik. ZIP-Net
bermaksud menambahkan perangkat lunak pengolah gambar yang memungkinkan
pelanggan lebih cepat mengakses website bergambar. Sebelumnya perusahaan ini ingin
mengetahui kecepatan rata-rata seseorang dalam mengakses gambar. Dugalah pada tingkat
signifikan 92%.


16 Tense Passive Voice

  Nama: Livya Julianty Kelas: 3EB03 NPM: 23218815 Passive Voice Livya selalu mengkombinasikan teknik pemasaran dengan penerapannya   1. Simp...